"He's Just Not That into You": a romantic comedy starring Ben Affleck, Ginnifer Goodwin, Drew Barrymore, Justin Long, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Connelly and Jennifer Aniston:
Dating advice book Stretched into too many plots. Not that into it!
Huge star studded cast Cliched faux feminist end Passed off as modern
Scarlett: typical! Justin Long as a heart throb? Goodwin deserves more.
Chris Brown issued a public apology today for assaulting fellow pop singer and girlfriend Rihanna. Brown, poised to assume the King of Pop mantle prior to the incident, deserves kudos for owning up to his mistakes, but now he needs to retreat from the media and pop music. Not because he's a reprehensible person (which none of us knows him well enough to say whether he is or isn't), but because of his particular line of work: playing heart throb to legions of middle school girls.
Love songs sound twisted Coming from an abuser! Tween girls influenced.
While his on-air apology may help other young men in his position seek help and change their behavior, Brown's fan base is primarily young girls and for him to court them again is in very poor taste. Allowing Brown to promote a new album on television or in the press implies that all is forgiven, and given how difficult it already is for many teenage girls to disentangle themselves from abusive boyfriends, this vulnerable demographic doesn't need the mixed message.
Chris Brown's apology is the best thing he could have done to stop other young men from making his mistakes. His statement should be the last we hear from him.
Jenn Fenn writes like a whirlwind Fingers just a blur The keyboard is smoking hot.
- written by Nate Tatro
Runs with Scotty dog Starbucks crashing through her veins Trips over her feet!
- written by me about me
My Favorites
Haiku poems (and all poetry, really) should be fun to write. I wouldn't get hung up on perfection--that's what revisions are for, if you really feel you need to improve upon your original work. The beauty of the haiku poem is that the short format allows you to write a complete poem quickly, and syllable limitations lead to unexpected word choices. Traditional haiku poems focus on nature, but you can write awesome haiku poems on anything from your messy kitchen to your adorable toddler to your mom's lasagna if you feel like it! A twist ending is also a feature of more traditional haiku poems, which is a great way to add comedy to your haiku. Give it a try! Haiku poems written for or about your loved ones also make great gifts! All fun and games, in my opinion!