Friday, August 21, 2009

"The Happening": A Haiku Poem Movie Review

Try The Happening!
Everyone hates this movie!
But I disagree!

Creepiness abounds!
Way better than The Village!
Leaves much mystery.

Eerie ambiance
Windy fields sinister
Thought provoking end.

Wahlberg against type
As thoughtful science teacher
In likable role.

Unfairly lumped with
Other Shymalan failures

Best since
The Sixth Sense!

The Happening stars Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel and John Leguizamo. Read the critics' merciless ripping of The Happening here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home: Thursday's Haiku Challenge

This week's haiku challenge is about where you live! What rocks about your apartment or house? What makes you wish you could move immediately? What makes it uniquely your space? Do you share it with roommates, a spouse, a parrot? Write a haiku about where you dwell and post it here!

Lawn guys broke my door!
Someone steals my tomatoes.

HOA rules suck!

Heated bathroom tiles
Painted stripes on bedroom walls

Plenty of side walks!

I decided to list the good with the bad. Write a haiku about where you dwell and post it here!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Michelle Obama's "Short" Shorts Controversy: A Haiku Poem News Brief

Headline on Today—
I expected much more skin!
"Shorts" are not that short!

Tastefully youthful!
Hope she's not wearing flip flops!
Now that's a problem!

The way The Today Show was talking about this I expected a loincloth! Read more about the raging controversy surrounding Michelle Obama's shorts here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flip Flops Disease-Ridden: A Haiku Poem News Brief

Carefree summer shoes
Or germ-ridden foam of death?

Flip flops are germy!

Staph germs found on them
Old Navy hopes no one knows!
Worse on city streets!

Between the coke on money and the germs on your foam harbingers of death, what is safe to touch? Read more about the flip flop health crisis here.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cocaine on 90% of US Bills: A Haiku News Brief

Traces on most cash
Snorters, dealers, ATMS
Gotta wash your hands!

Too little for high
Tellers could fail drug tests!

But no real health risk!

Find out more about this surprising discovery here.