Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bumpaholics: A News Haiku Poem

Bigger families—
Is pregnancy addictive?
Just ask mom Nadya.

Baby bumps equal
Attention, purpose and food!
Cure for postpartum?

Read more about the supposedly addictive qualities of pregnancy here.


  1. That picture is adorable! I also find it funny that this study (or whatever it is) came out like a day or two after the 2008 birth rate was published, which FELL (by 2%?) for the first time in years.

  2. It is inconveivable to me that pregnancy is addictive...of course as a man, maybe I just don't get it.

  3. I didn't know the birth rate fell. I want to attribute that to the economy, but that could be a stretch. The report that went with study said that big families were a current.

  4. i know a lot of women for whom pregnancy's addictive and then there are some that just want to get it out of the way... something to think about for sure!

  5. I can't imagine being addicted to pregnancy, either. So inconceivability (at least on this score) isn't just a man thing.
