Many people may consider Starbucks an evil corporation, but as someone who needs to keep her BFL (Blood Frappacino level) high at all times, I have been distraught over the company's recent troubles. While I do feel the pain of urban Mom and Pop coffee shops, for those of us who get most of our coffee off a highway exit or in the local mall, just the thought of Pumpkin Spice puts a smile on our faces.
Suburban Starbucks
Aren't hurting the little guy!
Only McDonald's.
So I wish them well with their latest marketing strategy, which involves redesigning their stores so that they could be mistaken for non-corporate entities, with names like 15th Avenue Coffee and Tea Shop. Some of these new shops will serve beer and wine.
Keep my 'Bucks the same!
I might wander to Dunkin'
By mistake! So sad.
Unlike me, many are enraged about this admittedly sneaky tactic. These people don't want to be tricked into going to Starbucks when they think they're getting some really cool indie hipster coffee, despite the obvious deliciousness of The Man's frothy drinks.
In particular, one local business owner in Seattle claims that the redesigned Starbucks are "stealing her ambiance," though it seems unlikely she would compete with Starbucks for business.
Why so serious?
Lattes VS pint glasses?
Your place is a pub.
Best of luck, Starbucks!
Disguising my local branch?
Please give a heads up!
One more suggestion:
Recycling for cups in shops!
A greener brew source.