Friday, July 31, 2009

Haiku Movie Review: "Serenity"

To my brother Mike—
Who gave me Serenity
Watched it finally!

TV show spinoff
From the writers of Buffy
My brother loved it!

Earth was dead
Two hours of space fighting—
My brain was dead, too.

I paused and rewound—
Fugitive bro and sister
Cruise space with outlaws.

Cast of cute unknowns
Several clever one liners—
But I was spaced out.

I will have your back
Like the siblings in this film
But our tastes collide!

Thanks anyway, Mike!
I won't make you watch Clueless
If you don't get mad!


  1. "From the makers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer-- some movie that is nothing like Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

  2. Tastes collide, indeed. Doubt that I could get into this either. My family would probably watch and laugh. Serenity?!

  3. I think the name of the ship (Serenity) was ironic, because no one in this film experienced much serenity!

  4. Cute poem! I like how you give a personal touch to a movie review.

  5. My wife and I loved that movie so much that we bought the entire TV series on DVD. Unfortunately for us it only lasted one season-(4 discs)

  6. My brother swore I would want to watch the TV series once I watched it, but it just wasn't my thing!

  7. I never heard of this. Doesn't sound like my taste.
