Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Haiku News Brief: Divorce Really Hurts!

Marrieds healthier
Split toll more than broken heart
Remarriage no help!

Husbands give money
Wives get their men to doctors
For both: less bar time!

Read the details about divorce can hurt your health here.


  1. So that's what's wrong with the health of Americans!

  2. Maybe instead of spending money on health care, we should pump it into relationship counseling!

  3. i can never do these satisfactorily, but i love reading them!

    ps hello! :)

  4. Jenn, I love the caption. Did you write it yourself?

  5. I enjoyed reading the link about divorce. I agree that there can be long lasting effects from divorce, but I also think it depends on the circumstances of the divorce and ones ability to let go of the past.

    Another point that the article did not mention is that it is possible to learn from a divorce critical interpersonal skills so that your future relationships are better.

  6. Are we talking mental health here, or physical? It seems to me that the emotional stress would impact the physical health. I think it depends if there are kids or not. If you don't have to keep in contact for your children, then it may be easier to move on.

  7. I think the general theory is that the stress of the divorce and its aftermath can lead to health problems. And that the lifestyle of someone divorced could (but doesn't have to) lead to less healthy habits, whereas married people tend to lead healthier lifestyles in general.

  8. The problem about the healthiness of marriage is that I've gained thirty pounds since my wedding day, four years ago-- probably because my wife is an obsessively good cook.

    I've been living by myself for the past two months (I rejoin her this weekend!) and I've been losing a little weight, mostly because I'm living like a bachelor again-- at certain points, even eating cold baked beans out of the can!

  9. That seems to be pretty common! It's more fun to eat with someone else than alone, I think.

  10. The photo caption is classic. After observing some of the men in my family when the women go away for even a weekend, I can believe that women help men eat healthier and bug them to go to the doctor when something is clearly wrong. What is it about men? "Yes, that beef stew has been sitting in the fridge for the last month but if I reheat it for dinner, it will be great!"
